Quantitative Respirator Fit Test




At MASKFIT Australia we conduct a non-invasive quantitative fit test to identify what respiratory mask is suited to you. 

Fit testing is a key part of a workplace respiratory protection program. A respirator fit test provides an assessment of how well the respirator fits the wearer, as well as giving the end user an indication of the respirators comfort, compatibility with other personal protective equipment and overall suitability for the wearer. The respirator fit process also provides an ideal training opportunity for the wearer on the correct use of the product.



At MASKFIT Australia, respirator fit testing can assist organisations in the protection of their workers. Fit testing workers ensures compliance to Work Health and Safety legislation and industry requirements.

The benefits of fit testing provide a unique opportunity for one on one or small group training for wearers. Covering topics such as respirator use, limitations, workplace hazards, respirator donning and doffing techniques and compatibility with other personal protective equipment.

Any tight fitting respirator needs to be fit tested to ensure that the respirator fits the face of the user. Fit testing provides a high level of confidence that the mask being worn is adequately protecting the person.




MASKFIT Australia conducts quantitative fit testing with a TSI Portacount. The Portacount instrument measures leakage around the face seal when the wearer is in motion and completing a set of exercises which produces a numerical result called a ‘Fit Factor’.  The fit test is successfully passed if the overall fit factor results exceeds the minimum fit factor requirements. Successfully acquiring a fit test certificate allows the respirator to be worn by the wearer in the workplace.

Respiratory protection equipment performance depends on:


Importance of Fit

It is important to ensure that the tight-fitting respirator fits. Fitting is personal and unfortunately there is no single tight-fitting respirator that fits every individuals face shape, size and features.

It is essential to ensure a tight-fitting respirator seals to the wearers face. This provides the highest level of protection for the wearer.

It is important the fit is comfortable. incorrectly fitted respirators may lead wearers to not wear the respirator during all periods of exposure.

Importance of Filtration

A tight-fitting respirator provides protection to the wearer ensuring all air passes through the filter into the breathing zone; removing the airborne hazard.

If there is no seal to the face, the air may take the path of least resistance allowing contaminated air to enter, without passing through the filter into the breathing zone.

Importance of Compliance

The Australian/New Zealand standard ‘AS/NZs 1715:2009 – 'Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment’, states ‘Employers shall ensure a suitable fit test is carried out for all users of respiratory protective equipment with a close-fitting face piece at least annually or whenever there is a change in the wearers facial characteristics`.

Respirator fit testing/training is mandatory in many industries as a minimum standard.

After workers leave and are hired respirator; types, makes and models may change and over time the wearers facial features may change as well. Therefore fit testing is more than a one off test.